Sunday, February 12, 2017

Samsung performed 5G demo - 1.2Gbps

Samsung performed 5G demo -  1.2Gbps 

speed : 100km/h
higher througput : 1.2Gbps

source : Samsung Newsroom

Saturday, February 11, 2017

What is 5G ?

What is 5G ?

Quite short movie where is quick explanation about 5G :

source : intel

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Logo of 5G was presented today

Logo of 5G was presented today

Organization of companies which are taking are of development of cellular systems - 3GPP has announced that new logo for 5G standard was created . Logo is more distinct in comparison to previours logos . Inspiration has been taken from logo of LTE advanced Pro.

source :

short explanation how 5G should works!

short explanation how 5G should works

Fine video explanation about :

  • 5G beamforming
  • 5G small cells 
  • 5G massive mimo
  • 5G full duplex
  • 5G milimeter waves

I hope this video is will increase your awareness about 5G technology.

Source : IEEE spectrum - yt channel

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Intel with 5G modem

Intel with 5G modem 

Intel Modem 5G allows companies around the world projecting and deploying first 5G solutions.
First device based on 1 chip.

Intel supports :

  • frequency below 6GHz 
  • milimeter waves

offers :

  • ultra-low delays
  • Hi throughput support 

First models of modem intel 5G in test mode will be in the second half of 2017 year , after that regular production of 5G Intel Modem will start .

source : intel webside

Nokia and Orange established cooperation - target work under future 5G networks

Nokia and Orange has established cooperation - target is work under future 5G networks.

Key aspects will be  : „Ultra Broadband” i "Internet of things".
Nokia is expecting 1 billion connections at one time.

Application of 5G will be everywhere as it is described below :

To overcome overload of network - Nokia is thinking about : "Dynamic Network Slicing" feature .

source :

5 technology - because of them 5G starts to be operational

5 technology - because of them 5G starts to be operational

Aim : 

Transmission : 20Gb/s
Ping : less then 1ms 

1. Milimeterwaves in 5G

Milimeterwaves are the waves between 30 - 300 GHz . Currently those waves are 

in use for satelite conectivity . The major limitation will be small range.

2. „Small Cells” in 5G

Reasercher are boosting that they are able to send data using milimeter wave 

for distance 200m. "Small Cellls" will be in use in high density area as 

cities. Small BTS which doesn't need  so much power.

3. Next generation MIMO in 5G

MIMO is a solution from 4G networks . The main purpose of MIMO is to enhance 

throughput is mobile network.Parallel streams are for increasing throughput.
Doubt about self-disturbing streams of transmission is solved by beam forming

MIMO to rozwiązanie stosowane też w standardzie 4G, które jest w stanie 

zwiększyć przepustowość sieci bezprzewodowej. Sekret tkwi w transmisji 

wieloantentowej po stronie nadawczej i odbiorczej. Stacje nowej generacji mogą 

obsługiwać 8 razy więcej portów niż ma to miejsce obecnie do jednoczesnego 

wysyłania i odbierania danych. Pojemność sieci wzrasta w ten sposób o 22 proc. 

Zwiększenie liczby anten może jednak doprowadzić do przecinania się sygnałów. 

Ale nie doprowadzi, bo mamy…

4. Beam forming in 5G

The beams of data will be delivered to UE in optimal way. Beamforming helps milimeter waves to reach UE in concentrated way . The power of signal is better , disruptions are lower.

5. Full duplex 

Sending and receiving data is possible in both direction.
Enhance full duplex without loss of data is also one of the main goal in 5G

Soure : AI eHive, ComputerWorld, Wikipedia, HowStuffWorks


5G  : NOKIA  PORTFOLIO OF 5G PRODUCTS List of the products that Nokia will offer in Future X portfolio Nokia 5G New Radio Noki...